Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sick website

Amazing website I just found! Awesome resource for reviews and books on dating. Check it out:

Books On Dating

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Bodyweight: 180 pounds. Height 6'2
Friday, Apr 24, 09

Bench Press 160x5
Squat 135 155 170 180 195
D-Rows 135 135 145 155 165

Monday April 27
Bench 135 145 155 175 185
Squat 185 205 205 205 205
D-Rows 155 165 165 165 165

Wed April 29
MPress X 95 115 95 105
DeadLifts 205 205 225 225 225
Squats 185 205 205 205 205
Pull Ups 35lbs x5

Friday, May 1
Bench 175x5
Squat 135 165 185 205 215
DRows 135 145 155 165 175

Monday, May 4
Bench 145 165 175 185 190(bad form on last one)
Squat 205x5
DRows 165x5

Wed, May 6 (Began using Creatine)
MPress 122 122 122 122 X
DeadLift 212 232 262 262 282
Squat 222x5
Pull Ups 35x5

Friday, May 8
Bench 185x5
Squat 155 185 205 215 240
DRow 145 155 165 175 185

Monday, May 11
Bench 145 165 175 185 195(Bad form)
Squat 225x5
DRows 175x5

Wednesday, May 13
MPress 122x4
Deadlift 262x5
Squat 225x5 (noticed my legs were shaking on the way up)
Pull Ups 35 35 35 40 40

Friday May 15
Workout skipped due to school.

Monday, May 18
Bench 145 165 175 185 200
Squat 230 x5(good form)
DRows 185x5

Wed, May 20
MPress 120 120 120 125 X
DLift 225 255 265 265 265
Squat 225x5 (clean form)
Pull ups 40lbsx5

Sat, May 23
Bench 190x5 (Did it with good form)
Squat 155 185 205 225 245
DRows 135 155 165 185 205

Monday, May 25
Bench 135 155 165 185 205 (Did it with good form-Bench is really starting to come along.)
Squat 235x5
DRows 185x5

Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm back bitchezz!

We got another tourny comming up mid March and Arnold is back. I've been training lots.

I took out the strength workouts and left the conditioning ones. Right now I go to bjj practise about 4 times a week and have 4-5 conditioning workouts throughout the week. I'm structuring them to mimic my matches. My matches will be 5 mins long. So I'm going full out for 6 minutes in my workouts, then resting 1 min and going all out for 6 minutes again. I'll try to stretch it to 7 soon.

I've also started comming up with a game plan.

a) I must practise pulling guard 20 times after every class to get used to the feeling.
b) If I end up in my guard I'll branch off into Pitstop, or Rubber Guard to overhook.

I also have to make 172 pounds, which shouldn't be so bad considering the weigh -ins are the day before.

To add to all of this I'm back in school starting Tuesday.

Looks like I got lots of stuff on my plate. It's in times like these where I strive to keep things simple.

1. Business/School
2. Working out/gf